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Information on the profile of the Educational Organisation

Academic Support Ltd operates in Europe, the USA and Australia. It supports students in higher education.

Academic Support Ltd undertakes the whole process of advising for applications to foreign Universities (UK, Netherlands, Germany and other countries such as USA and Australia ) in undergraduate (Bachelor) and postgraduate (Master) degrees. This is a personalised multi-faceted advisory service to suit the profile of each candidate, guaranteeing the best results.

Below you can read a few words about this educational organization. 


Our purpose

Our purpose is to create an innovative educational institution in the heart of South West Sydney with the best possible opportunities offered to students to excel academically and maximise their potential.

Our vision

Our vision is to provide every student with the opportunity to practice the skills they acquire by undertaking real-life learning based on global needs and values. Our dedicated staff provides a student-centered approach to ensure a supportive, personalized and innovative learning experience. IBMA is committed to achieving excellence in education. The success of every student is the success of IBMA.

Our Clients

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